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1458 Quail Lane, Roseburg, OR  97471

(541) 673-3999

About the Mansion

Nathaniel Curry Estate

Their Story

The original Curry Homestead was located on 2,090 acres in beautiful Garden Valley called Riversdale Farms.  Their home sheltered twelve to fifteen individuals at any one time. 

The Curry family occupied their home for fifty years.

Nathaniel Curry was a wealthy gun manufacturer and dealer during San Francisco’s early years.

Nathaniel Curry was born in Ireland; his family immigrated to the United States as early as 1835.  He was naturalized in Washington County, Ohio.  In 1865 Nathaniel Curry traveled to Ireland for his business; while in Ireland married Isabella Jane Graham.  They returned to San Francisco where their first born, Charles Curry, was born.  Later, seven more children were born to the Curry family.  The children ranged in ages from six to twenty one years old when the Curry family decided to move their family out of the hectic San Francisco life.  Nathaniel purchased land in beautiful Garden Valley where the rich bottom-land soil was rich to fruit and vegetable production.

 The beautiful Queen Anne Victorian style home was completed in 1893.  Amazingly all of the Curry children were college educated, except for Charles.  Charles, not only completed the construction of their cosmopolitan home when Nathaniel died, but he became well recognized throughout the area for the agricultural heritage of plating and operating extensive prune orchards and became recognized for his fine work.


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1458 Quail Lane, Roseburg OR  97471

(541) 673-3999